The President's private office, Washington, D.C.
Publisher: Graves, Carleton H.
Subjects: White House (Washington, D.C.), Oval Office (White House, Washington, D.C.), Offices, (Washington, D.C.), Furnishings, Interiors
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
The President's private office, Washington, D.C.
Publisher: Graves, Carleton H.
Subjects: White House (Washington, D.C.), Oval Office (White House, Washington, D.C.), Offices, (Washington, D.C.), Furnishings, Interiors
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
The White House Conservatory, Washington, D.C.
One of nature's wonders in America, Natural Bridge, Virginia
Among the sky-scrapers of lower Broadway, New York
Publisher: Graves, Carleton H.
Subjects: Crowds, New York (State), New York, Streets, Skyscrapers, New Jersey, Wildwood, City & Town Life, Business Districts, Broadway (New York, N.Y.)
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
[Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.]
The arrival of a great ocean steamship at New York
"The call of the wild"
Deer hunter's camp in the Northwest
Christmas morning
A Japanese sans souci. Arashiyama, Japan
The House of Lucretius, Pompeii, Italy
The ancestor of the ferris wheel, Egypt
Victoria Peak and residences, Hong Kong, China
Queen's buildings along the waterfront, Hong Kong, China
Russian pilgrims to Jerusalem aboard vessel in Beirut harbor
A street in Sidon, Palestine
A native school, Palestine
Cutting room of an olive oil soap factory, Palestine
Franciscan monks making hay, Palestine
Easter procession of the Greek Patriarch, Jerusalem
Chapel of the House of Annas, Jerusalem
Peasant women near Joppa Gate, Jerusalem
A wedding procession of Judea, Palestine
Funeral services for a Jewish Rabbi, Jerusalem
Tomb of Joseph. Vale of Shechem, Palestine
The strenuous life in the Klondyke [i.e., Klondike]
Cliff Dwellers. Exhibition on the Pike. Louisiana Purchase Exposition
After the Battle of Colenso, Boer War exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Publisher: Graves, Carleton H.
Subjects: Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Saint Louis, Mo.), Exhibitions & Displays, Historical Reenactments, Missouri, Saint Louis, Transvaal (South Africa), History, War Of, Commemoration
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Artillery in action, Battle of Modder River, Boer War exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Publisher: Graves, Carleton H.
Subjects: Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Saint Louis, Mo.), Exhibitions & Displays, Historical Reenactments, Missouri, Saint Louis, Transvaal (South Africa), History, War Of, Commemoration
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews