The "strenuous" life of the cowboy - breaking a bucking bronco, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Photographer: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Wyoming, Cowboy, Horse, Bronco
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Dam and gates at outlet of Jackson Lake for controlling water for irrigating, near Moran, Wyo.

A tourist's camp in the Bad Lands, Wyoming

Elk hunting in the mountain woods of N.W. Wyoming, U.S.A.

President Roosevelt entering America's wonderland - at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt entering America's wonderland - at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park

President Roosevelt's western tour - a visit to Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Nat. Park

President Roosevelt at Fort Yellowstone, ready for his trip through Yellowstone Park

A bucking bronco showing off for the President - Roosevelt Day, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Sports at Cheyenne, Wyo., Roosevelt Day - excitement of the steeplechase

The new woman in the new west - race with girl jockeys, Roosevelt Day, Cheyenne, Wyoming

No use kicking - cowboys saddling a wild horse, Roosevelt Day, Cheyenne, Wyo.

A brief halt in a 60 mile ride - Pres. Roosevelt and friends at Van Tassel Ranch, Wyoming

They were soldier boys together - Pres. Roosevelt greeting Spanish War veterans, Laramie, Wyoming

President Theodore Roosevelt mounted for a gallop near Laramie, Wyoming

At home in the saddle - Pres. Roosevelt on a 60 mile ride, Laramie to Cheyenne, Wyo.

President Roosevelt's western tour - a speech at New Castle, Wyoming

Cheyenne, Wyo.--Indian and cowboy have buried the hatchet and smoked the pipe of peace

Crater of Periodical Hot Lake and Leaf Formation in Limestone Series. Crater. First View

A tribute from the children to President Roosevelt at the monument, Wyoming, Pa.