Osborn & Durbec

Sea face of Fort Moultrie - Charleston, S.C., taken April, 1861

Interior view of Fort Sumter, at Charleston, S.C., showing the jury flag staff erected by Gen. Anderson

Interior view of Fort Sumter, taken April, 1861, Charleston, S.C.

[Fort Sumter interior showing ruins of officer's quarters and entrance to the fort behind damaged flag staff]

[Fort Sumter parapet with dismounted gun damaged by Confederate fire]

View no. 5, Sumter Continuation of ruins of officer's quarters on the right of the gateway.

Goose Creek, no. 1 St. James Church, Goose Creek, built 1708-1719.

Goose Creek, no. 2 St. James Church, Goose Creek, built 1708-1719.