Drift mouth, Buck Ridge Breaker.
Front of Buck Ridge Breaker.
A loaded coal train and the gravity incline at a coal mine, Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A.
Boring for a blast in the depths of a coal mine, Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A.
Miners pushing an "empty" (sides of tunnel show depth of coal vein), coal mine, Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A.
The presidential party descending the 3,000 ft. shaft into the Congress Gold Mine, Phoenix, Arizona.
Holyoke Silver Lead Mine, Marquette, Mi.
The strenuous life in the Klondyke [i.e., Klondike]
The Klondike--prospectors a [sic] Claim 29, above Hunker
The Klondike, Discovery claim
Section of burning mines.
Section of the burning mines.
Breaker at Hollywood Colliery.
Man in front of breaker at Hollywood Colliery.
Steam engine at Hollywood Colliery.
Men at Hollywood Colliery.
Abandoned or ruined railroad tracks at Hollywood Colliery.
Breaker at Hollywood Colliery.
Mine entrance at Hollywood Colliery.
Penn’a Coal Co’s machine shops at Dunmore.
View of Archibald and coal breaker, seen from bridge at foot of No. 26 plane.
Coal train waiting to be weighed.
Plain Buck Ridge Breaker.
Dirt heap at Lake Fuller Breaker.