Sponge exchange, Tarpon Springs, Fla.
A day's catch "where fishing is an institution" at Tarpon Springs, Fla.
A sponge diver ready for action--Tarpon Springs, Fla.
President Roosevelt entering America's wonderland - at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park
President Roosevelt entering America's wonderland - at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park
President Roosevelt's western tour - a visit to Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Nat. Park
Returning from the hunt - the president of the people, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
The President at Glenwood - end of hunt
Happy and healthy after his bear hunt - President Roosevelt returning to Glenwood Springs, Colorado
In the shadow of the Rockies - President Roosevelt ready to return to the cares of State, Glenwood Springs, Col.
The Godspeed of an American crowd to an American president, - President's special leaving Colorado Springs, Col.
President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col.
President Roosevelt speaking from his train at Colorado Springs, Col.
Publisher: H.C. White Co.
Subjects: Roosevelt,
Public Appearances,
Colorado Springs,
Railroad Cars,
Friends & Associates,
Philip Battell,
Frank M.,
(Frank Michler),
Horseback Riding,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Banff Hotel from Tunnel Mountain, Alberta, Canada
In front of Union Hall, Saratoga, [New York]
The dog performance, Saratoga [New York]
Young chess players, Saratoga [New York]
Pleasure railway, Saratoga
Pleasure railway [Saratoga]
Group in the woods, Saratoga [New York]
Group at Saratoga [New York]
In the woods, Saratoga [New York]
Congress Spring, Saratoga [New York]
Group on the porch [Saratoga]
View at Saratoga [New York]
Empire Hotel, Saratoga [New York]