Lower entrance to the mammoth ice cave, White Horse Mountain, Wash.

Makers of the great north west in throngs at Seattle, listening to Pres. Roosevelt

Massed thousands at Seattle, Wash., to hear Pres. Roosevelt on Alaska's future

Pres. Roosevelt on deck enjoying a friendly chat, and the invigorating air of Puget Sound

Workmen at Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash, presenting souvenir of the "Oregon" to Pres. Roosevelt.

Cape Flattery - light house on Tatoosh Island, 1st order fixed light, 162 feet above sea level

Cape Disappointment-Light House (mouth of Columbia River,) 1st order fixed light, 232 feet above sea level, and fog bell

The creek on the left is Whatcom Creek, outlet for Lake Whatcom, 3 1/2 miles away and 330 Ft. above Whatcom; left hand building Terminal Hotel, my stopping place....

Twenty-six horse combined harvester at work, reaping, threshing and sacking, Wash., U.S.A.

Twenty-six horse combined harvester at work, reaping, threshing and sacking, Wash., U.S.A.

Building a great log raft, putting a 125 ft. long log into the cradle, Wash., U.S.A.

Brailling, taking salmon from the trap for the great canneries, Puget Sound, Washington.

Glittering summit of Mt. Tacoma [Rainier](12,526 ft.) towering above the road to Paradise Park, Wash.

Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington.

Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington.

Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington.

Evolution of sickle and flail, 33 horse team harvester, cutting, threshing and sacking wheat, Walla Walla, Washington.