Steamer Ida, Echo Lake, Franconia Notch, N.H.
Steamer York, Lewiston, N.Y.
Steamer York, Lewiston, N.Y.
Grand Saloon, Steamer Peerless.
Ore docks, Bay of Marquette, Lake Superior.
Ore docks, Bay of Marquette, Lake Superior.
Peshtigo Cor. dock on Green Bay.
Southwest from Mitchell Block.
West from Mitchell Block.
Players of the "Cubs" in dugout before calling of a game of World Series, October, 1929, at Chicago, Ill.
R.R. Trains on Mt. Washington
Rail Road on to Mt. Washington.
Steamer 'Gertie' from Mr. G.L. Dunlap's Grounds.
The steamer ['Lady of the Lake'] at Lake View Park.
Providence steamship wharf.
Steamship Lusitania and distant Metropolitan Tower, New York, U.S.A.
The two leading college presidents--Eliot of Harvard and Hadley of Yale at Columbia College, N.Y.
Mt. Shasta, whose snow crowned summit towers 14,442 ft. above the ocean level, Sisson, California
Players of the "Cubs" in dugout before calling of a game of World Series, October, 1929, at Chicago, Ill.
The Minnesota dog team on transcontinental trip, Seattle, Wash.
Artillery dashing past President Roosevelt - military review at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas
President Roosevelt, Mayor Smyth and invited guests on the "Algonquin," Charleston, S.C.
President Roosevelt, Judge Simonson [i.e., Simonton] and Judge Brawley, chatting on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Roosevelt,
South Carolina,
Friends & Associates,
William H.,
Charles H.,
(Charles Henry),
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
President Roosevelt and Governor McSweeney, of South Carolina - on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.
The revenue cutter "Algonquin," flying the President's flag - during President Roosevelt's visit to Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C.