Players of the "Cubs" in dugout before calling of a game of World Series, October, 1929, at Chicago, Ill.

R.R. Trains on Mt. Washington

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
No.: 692
Subjects: Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, Railroad, Train, Locomotive, Steam Engine, People
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Mt. Washington Railroad.

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
No.: 697
Subjects: Mt. Washington, Railroad, Train, Locomotive, Steam Engine, New Hampshire
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Rail Road on to Mt. Washington.

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
No.: 101
Subjects: Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, Railroad, Train, Steam Engine, Peppersass, People
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

The two leading college presidents--Eliot of Harvard and Hadley of Yale at Columbia College, N.Y.

Mt. Shasta, whose snow crowned summit towers 14,442 ft. above the ocean level, Sisson, California

Players of the "Cubs" in dugout before calling of a game of World Series, October, 1929, at Chicago, Ill.

Artillery dashing past President Roosevelt - military review at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas

President Roosevelt, Mayor Smyth and invited guests on the "Algonquin," Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt, Judge Simonson [i.e., Simonton] and Judge Brawley, chatting on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

President Roosevelt and Governor McSweeney, of South Carolina - on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

The revenue cutter "Algonquin," flying the President's flag - during President Roosevelt's visit to Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C.