Bunker Hill Monument, Boston, Mass.
Putnam Machine Company's shop, interior view.
View in Main St. showing wreck of house.
State St., the financial centre, and the old State House, Boston
Putnam Machine Company's shop, interior view.
Finishing Room, Fine Watch Department
iew of a residence(?) at Wellesley College.
View of Wellesley College campus.
View of an interior courtyard and archways at Wellesley College.
The Wellesley College from Hunnewell's Italian Gardens, Mass.
Putnam Machine Company's shop, interior view.
Watch Jeweling Room, Fine Watch Department
(33w) Mass, Ave. (W. from Thomas Circle), favorite center of fashionable society, Washington U. S. A.
(34w) Homes of some of the most distinguished residents, Mass. Ave. (W. from Scott Circle), Washington, U.S.A.
State St., the financial centre, and the old State House, Boston
Old South Church, Boston, Mass.
Scene in Public Gardens, Boston, Mass.
The Public Gardens, statue of Washington, and fountain "Venus rising from the sea," Boston, Mass.
Washington St., and the Old South Meeting House, Boston
[Maquette of Union soldier for Roxbury Soldiers' Monument and other sculptures at the studio of Martin Milmore in Boston, Massachusetts]
Publisher: Milmore, Martin
Subjects: Public Sculpture,
Artists' Studios,
United States,
Civil War,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
[Group of people on porch and balcony(?) of house in Massachusetts(?)]
"A square deal for every man, big or small, rich or poor" - President Roosevelt, Lynn, Mass.
President Roosevelt and Senator Lodge leaving the hotel, at Northfield, Mass.