Colony of Russian-Germans greeting President Roosevelt, Victoria, Kansas

On President Roosevelt's journey through the west - splendid reception at Ellis, Kansas

Indians racing with President's train under snow-streaked Idaho mountains near Pocatello

Schoolgirls with the "Stars and Stripes," greeting President Roosevelt, at Sherman, Texas

The casket, draped in the flag Theodore Roosevelt loved, being carried into Christ Church, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

The safest guardians of liberty's flag - the public schools - welcoming President McKinley, El Paso, Texas

Interior of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), Charleston Harbor, S.C., April 14th, 1865. Awaiting the arrival of Gen. Anderson and the invited guests to inaugurate the ceremony of raising the old flag

Interior of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), Charleston Harbor, S.C., April 14th, 1865, during the ceremonies of raising the old flag

Interior of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), Charleston Harbor, S.C., April 14th, 1865, Gen. Anderson and Gilmore, near the centre of the picture, preparing to raise the old flag

"Back to home land!" removing casket of American unknown soldier from the Olympia, Washington, D.C.

Triumphant Host of King Jesus, S. S. [i.e., Sunday School] parade, St. Louis Day, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.

Century Chorus Choir singing "America" and waving the starry banner, St. Louis Day, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.

Palace of Transportation, through flying flags on Electricity Building, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S. A.

Palace of Transportation, through flying flags on Electricity Building, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S. A.