Interior of Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter], Charleston Harbor, S.C. April 14th, 1865, pending the ceremony of raising the old flag

Interior of Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter], Charleston Harbor, S.C. April 14th, 1865 Henry Ward Beecher delivering the oration on the occasion of the raising of the old flag.

Interior of Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter], Charleston Harbor, S.C. April 14th, 1865 Awaiting the arrival of Gen. Anderson and the invited guests to inaugurate the ceremony of raising the old flag.

A plenary session of the peace conference, in building of French Foreign Office on the Quai D'Orsay, Paris

Devastated Arras, "Grand Place" section visited by peace conference delegates, France

Just men, but mighty important ones! The "Big Nine" at World Disarmament Conference, Washington, D.C., 1921