The Admiral's welcome to the Nation's Capitol -- Dewey celebration, Washington, D.C.

Admiral Dewey and officers of the Navy, in line at President Roosevelt's New Year reception, 1902, White House, Washington

Interior of Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter], Charleston Harbor, S.C. April 14th, 1865 Awaiting the arrival of Gen. Anderson and the invited guests to inaugurate the ceremony of raising the old flag.

Interior of Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter], Charleston Harbor, S.C. April 14th, 1865 Henry Ward Beecher delivering the oration on the occasion of the raising of the old flag.

Interior of Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter], Charleston Harbor, S.C. April 14th, 1865, pending the ceremony of raising the old flag

The Centennial. General view from George's Hill showing camp of West Point cadets

Landing of the Villard and Rufus Hatch party at Bismarck, D.T. [Dakota Territory], Sept. 5/83.

Animated scene. The shore crowded with spectators, and the water crowded with boats and sailing vessels, July 4th, 1860.