Cardinal Gibbons pronouncing the benediction -- President McKinley and Admiral Dewey -- Sword presentation ceremony

President McKinley and Admiral Dewey -- reviewing the soldiers and sailors -- from the U.S. Capitol steps

Opening prayer by Dr. Butler - President McKinley and Admiral Dewey - Sword presentation ceremony

President McKinley and Admiral Dewey -- reviewing the soldiers and sailors -- from the U.S. Capitol steps

A social chat with the President and Admiral - before leaving the reviewing stand - U.S. Capitol steps

Cardinal Gibbons pronouncing the benediction - President McKinley and Admiral Dewey - Sword presentation ceremony

Admiral Dewey receiving the Nation's sword from President McKinley at the U.S. Capitol

The two leading college presidents--Eliot of Harvard and Hadley of Yale at Columbia College, N.Y.

America's most notable gathering of military heroes, left to right, Jacques (Belgium), Diaz (Italy), Coolidge, Foch (France), Pershing, end Beatty (England), at his right

President Wilson addressing Congress on questions of international peace and imminent danger of war with Germany