Altar of Malines Cathedral, wrecked by German shells
Chapel of the House of Annas, Jerusalem
Interior of the beautiful Armenian Church, Jerusalem, Palestine
Interior of Chapel of the Merciful Saviour, Santee Agency
Publisher: Morrow, Stanley J.
Subjects: Church Of Our Most Merciful Saviour (Santee,
Indians Of North America,
Spiritual Life,
Santee Indians,
Episcopal Churches
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Interior of St' Aloysius Church.
Interior of St. Patrick Cathedral, New York.
St. Patrick Cathedral, (Interior), New York, N.Y. U.S.A.
Interior of St. Michael Church.
St. Michael's Church, interior.
Interior, St. Francis Xavior's Church.
Church interior, Lockport, N.Y.
Interior view of a church.
Interior view of a church.
Interior view of a Church.
Trinity Church, Children's Day. Trenton, N.J.
Decoration of the Plainfield M.E. Church.
Unidentified church interior showing the organ and a decorated altar.
Church of Immaculate Conception, Boston.
Interior views of Immaculate Conception showing the central altar.
Interior view of Dr. Gannett's Church from the balcony.
Altar of the Convent on George Street.
Cathedral altar. St. Augustine, Fla.
Altar of the Old Spanish Church, St. Augustine, Fla.
Mission Church at Mission Dolores, California.
Interior of Old Mission Church, Mission Dolores. Dedicated in 1776.
Interior of Old Mission Church, Mission Dolores. Dedicated in 1776.