Fort Sumter (i.e. Sumner), near Fair Oaks, June 1862. A sharp fight occurred at this place within five minutes after this photograph was made. Cannoneers are hurrying to the guns as alarm is sounding

[Three horse-drawn covered wagons in the foreground. Soldiers marching in formation between rows of small cabins and tents in the background]

"Through it all like horror runs the red resentment of the guns," Oise, France

South African Light Horse, coming down Adderly St., to entrain for the front, Cape Town

Battle-field of Gettysburg Trees showing the effect of musketry, opposite the Federal breast-works on Culp's Hill.

Battle-field of Gettysburg The effect of musketry and shell on the trees of Culp's Hill, on ground occupied by Rebels, in front of Union breast-works.

Skirmishing near the "monasteries in the air," northern Greece

Irregulars on the frontier--awaiting an attack--Graeco-Turkish War