After a storm. [Cloudy sky above sailboat and rowboat.]
After a storm. [Cloudy sky above sailboat and rowboat.]
Among the clouds on Mt. Wash'n., N.H.
Above the clouds from the Summit of Mt. Washington.
Looking S.West from Mt. Wash'n., N.H.
Cloud view from Summit of Mt. Wash'n., N.H.
Cloud view from Summit of Mt. Wash'n., N.H.
Clouds from Summit of Mt. Wash'n., N.H.
Clouds from Summit of Mt. Wash'n., N.H.
Clouds from Mt. Washington.
Sunset from the Glen House, White Mountains.
Sunset from the Glen House, White Mts.
The Old Man above the clouds, Franconia Mts.
Storm in the Rocky Mountains.
Mount Starr King, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal.