The strenuous life in the Klondyke [i.e., Klondike]
The Klondike--prospectors a [sic] Claim 29, above Hunker
The Klondike, Discovery claim
Upper end of sluice at Bonanza bar.
Copper plate sluice at Bonanza bar.
Copper plate sluice at Bonanza bar.
Flume across Rattlesnake Gulch.
Canvas tables, extension of No. 2.
Bulk head, Rock Creek sluice.
Camp of Juniper Gold Mining Co.
Camp of Juniper Gold Mining Co.
Placer mining, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Burro train, with ore from the gold mines, Col. U.S.A.
Malakoff Diggings, North Bloomfield Gravel Mining.
Mining for Gold at Jacksonville, on the road to Yosemite.
Mining for Gold at Jacksonville, on the road to Yosemite.
Placer Mining - Columbia, Tuolumne Co., Mining out a ranch.
Placer Mining - In the Boulder Range, Columbia, Tuolomne Co.
Placer Mining, Brown's Flat, Tuolumne County.
Placer Mining at Volcano, Amador County, working in the dump-box.
Placer Mining at Volcano, Amador County.
Placer Mining at Volcano, Amador County, The dump and sluice.
Hydraulic mining - the sluice.