Inauguration of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1905. Review of the Grand Army by Generals Howard and Chaffee
Publisher: Universal Photo Art Co.
Subjects: Roosevelt ,
Theodore ,
Inauguration ,
Chaffee ,
Adna Romanza ,
Howard ,
O.O. ,
(Oliver Otis) ,
Grand Army Of The Republic ,
People ,
Washington (D.C.) ,
Military Parades & Ceremonies ,
Presidential Inaugurations
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Coronation ceremonies at Suva - delivering King Edward's message, Fiji Islands
Major-General W. F. Smith, (Baldy Smith), Commander of the 6th Corps. This view was taken near Malvern Hill, during the "seven days' fight" in 1862
Publisher: Brady, Mathew
Subjects: Smith ,
W.F. ,
(William Farrar) ,
Military Service ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
Military Officers ,
Albumen Prints ,
Group Portraits
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Gen. Ferrero and staff, Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va.
Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Subjects: Ferrero ,
Edward ,
Military Service ,
Military Officers ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
Petersburg ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Albumen Prints ,
Group Portraits
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Three "Johnnie Reb" Prisoners, captured at Gettysburg, 1863
Publisher: Brady, Mathew
Subjects: Gettysburg ,
Battle Of ,
Gettysburg ,
Pa. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Prisoners ,
Confederate ,
Pennsylvania ,
Gettysburg ,
Prisoners Of War ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Group, Major Robertson and friends
Publisher: Gibson, James F.
Subjects: Robertson ,
James Madison ,
D. ,
Military Service ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
Fair Oaks ,
Military Officers ,
Albumen Prints ,
Group Portraits
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Independent Pennsylvania Battery "E" (Knapp's Battery)
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Soldiers ,
Union ,
Maryland ,
Antietam ,
War Damage ,
Horses ,
Battlefields ,
Antietam ,
Battle Of ,
Md. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Destruction & Pillage ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Independent Pennsylvania Battery "E", (Knap's Battery)
Publisher: Gardner, Alexander
Subjects: Soldiers ,
Union ,
Maryland ,
Antietam ,
War Damage ,
Horses ,
Battlefields ,
Antietam ,
Battle Of ,
Md. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Destruction & Pillage ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
John L. Burns, the old hero of Gettysburgh (i.e. Gettysburg), recovering from his wounds
Publisher: Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries
Subjects: War Casualties ,
Pennsylvania ,
Gettysburg ,
Men ,
Crutches ,
Gettysburg ,
Battle Of ,
Gettysburg ,
Pa. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Casualties ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
These died, that our Nation might live. We were driven from this field (Wilderness) before we could gather our wounded or bury our dead. This is the way we found the field covered when we returned some months later
Publisher: Reekie, John
Subjects: Skeletons ,
Battlefields ,
Virginia ,
Cold Harbor ,
War Casualties ,
Gaines' Mill ,
Battle Of ,
Va. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Casualties ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Unburied dead on battlefield
Publisher: Reekie, John
Subjects: War Casualties ,
Virginia ,
Cold Harbor ,
Battlefields ,
Gaines' Mill ,
Battle Of ,
Va. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Casualties ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
This view was taken in the trenches of the rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation," the morning after the storming of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., April 2d, 1865 [...]
Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Subjects: War Casualties ,
Virginia ,
Petersburg ,
Trench Warfare ,
Bombproof Construction ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Casualties ,
Confederate ,
Military Facilities ,
Petersburg (Va.) ,
Siege ,
Albumen Prints ,
Tax Stamps
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Interior of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), showing light house
Publisher: Barnard, George N.
Subjects: Forts & Fortifications ,
South Carolina ,
Charleston ,
War Damage ,
Bombproof Construction ,
Beacons ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Facilities ,
Destruction & Pillage ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
How Sherman fixed the railroad so the "Johnnies" could not use it. Sherman's march to the sea
Publisher: O'sullivan, Timothy H.
Subjects: Soldiers ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
North Anna River ,
Trench Warfare ,
Wilderness ,
Battle Of The ,
Va. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Military Facilities ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
The Union Line before Petersburg, Va., during the long siege. This gives a good idea of our Line, which was miles in length, and was thoroughly occupied
Publisher: O'sullivan, Timothy H.
Subjects: Soldiers ,
Union ,
Virginia ,
North Anna River ,
Trench Warfare ,
Wilderness ,
Battle Of The ,
Va. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Military Personnel ,
Military Facilities ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Our boys in the trenches
Publisher: O'sullivan, Timothy H.
Subjects: Trench Warfare ,
Virginia ,
North Anna River ,
Soldiers ,
Union ,
Forts & Fortifications ,
Wilderness ,
Battle Of The ,
Va. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Campaigns & Battles ,
Military Personnel ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
View of the outer trenches on the last day of the battle in front of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864, showing the ground where the most desperate charges were made
Publisher: Coonley, Jacob F.
Subjects: War Damage ,
Tennessee ,
Nashville ,
Nashville ,
Battle Of ,
Nashville ,
Tenn. ,
United States ,
History ,
Civil War ,
Battlefields ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Reception of the Prince of Wales
Prince of Wales and suite
Publisher: Brady, Mathew
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
New York (State) ,
New York ,
Princes ,
Great Britain ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
[Instantaneous view of the Prince of Wales' ship Hero firing a salute, Portland, Maine]
His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, with Mayor Howard of Portland on his left; and in front, Lord Lyons with the Duke of Newcastle on his left; photographed just prior to departure on board his fleet, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860
Reception of the Prince of Wales at the Battery, New-York
Interior of the Prince of Wales' cabin on board the Hero. It is fitted and furnished plainly but comfortably; on the table may be seen a small bust of his mother
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
Maine ,
Portland ,
Ships ,
British ,
Staterooms ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Prince of Wales' dining room on board the Hero. On the left may be seen a book-case made from the wood of the Victory (Nelson's ship,) built 1767; above it hangs a picture of Lord Nelson
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
Maine ,
Portland ,
Ships ,
British ,
Dining Rooms ,
Albumen Prints ,
Blind Stamps
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Instantaneous. H.M. Ship Hero (the Prince's) firing a salute
Prince of Wales at Portland [Maine]
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
Maine ,
Portland ,
Ships ,
British ,
Arrivals & Departures ,
Spectators ,
Harbors ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Embarkation of the Prince of Wales on board the Hero, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860, the yards being manned, and a royal salute fired as he steps on board
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
Maine ,
Portland ,
Arrivals & Departures ,
British ,
Ships ,
Spectators ,
Harbors ,
Albumen Prints
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, with Mayor Howard of Portland on his left; and in front, Lord Lyons with the Duke of Newcastle on his left; photographed just prior to departure on board his fleet, at Portland, Maine, October 20, 1860
Officers of the Prince of Wales' ship Hero
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
Maine ,
Portland ,
Ships ,
British ,
Military Officers ,
Albumen Prints ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Commodore Seymour & officers of H. B. M. Ship Hero
Publisher: Stacy, George
Subjects: Edward ,
Vii ,
King Of Great Britain ,
Travel ,
Maine ,
Portland ,
Ships ,
British ,
Military Officers ,
Albumen Prints ,
Group Portraits ,
Portrait Photographs
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews