Digger Indian fandango hall, Knight's Ferry.
[...] Old Man of Spokane Falls. [General view of the falls.]
Spokane Falls from the north.
The north rapids, Spokane Falls.
Spokane Falls from the north. [Showing mill and building under construction.]
Officers' quarters, Ft. Missoula.
East entrance to Mullen Tunnel. [Men working at the entrance to the tunnel.]
Upper Falls of the Yellowstone.
Barronett's Rapids, Yellowstone River.
Bird's eye view of Fargo, Dakota.
Bismarck Bridge, Missouri River.
Tower Falls, near Yellowstone River.
Lower canyon of the Yellowstone.
[...] approach Mullen Tunnel. [Men working at entrance to Mullen Tunnel.]
Mullen Tunnel Grade east approach [showing log cabin at the bottom of grade.]
East from Mullen Tunnel Grade [showing log cabin below].
East from Mullen Tunnel Grade [coach on the road].
Great Falls of the Yellowstone, 360 feet.
Yellowstone and valley, between lake & falls.
Old Faithful's formation, upper basin. [Yellowstone National Park.]
Hell's Half Acre, middle geyser basin.
Gibbon Falls, Gibbon River.
Gibbon Canyon, Trout Rapids.
Boiling mineral springs, south basin.
South terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs.
Liberty Cap, extinct geyser cone.