A native dugout canoe, Mariso, Guam

Royal Theatre, Berlin, grand E. facade--Schiller statue at foot of steps, Germany

The obelisk and fountains, Place de la Concorde, Paris, France

Place des Victoires (Statue de Louis XIV)

Colonne Vendome

The Grand Boulevard, Paris, France

Rue Pont Neuf, Paris, France

Boulevard des Italiens

Grand Opera, the largest theatre in the world, cost six million dollars, Paris, France

Grand Opera House, Paris

Le nouvel Opera

Le Pont-Neuf, vu du quai des Grands Augustins

The Louvre, Paris, France

Cathedral entrance with sculptured "Last Judgment" over doorway, Bourges, France

The magnificent port and city of Nice, from the castle, France

Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France

Natives in festal costume ready to begin the "fan" dance, Fiji Islands

Primitive manufacturing - natives making pottery, Fiji Islands

Preparing the pit of white-hot stones for the bare feet of the "fire-walkers", Fiji Islands

Coronation ceremonies at Suva - delivering King Edward's message, Fiji Islands

Grove of the famous "traveller" tree - an avenue at the Vice-regal residence, Suva, Fiji Islands

Bau, the resting place of famous King "Cakabau" and former capital of the Fiji Islands

The market place, Viborg, Finland

Typical natives of the Fiji Islands, Suva

Cannibal Tom (80 years old), the last relic of Fiji cannibalism -- Fiji Islands

Native grass house with protected roof, near Suva, Fiji Islands

View north from a hilltop near Suva, Fiji Islands

The "meke" or national dance, a part of all great Fiji ceremonies, Fiji Islands

A picturesque holiday ceremony, the "fan" dance, Fiji Islands

Drinking yaquona, the national beverage - celebrating King Edward's coronation, Fiji Islands