Over the Governor's mansion, east to the State Capitol, Olympia, Washington
General view of the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas
New Fort Worth Club Building and city from roof of Texas Hotel, Texas
Dallas, Texas, from the 14th floor of Medical Arts Bldg., view S.W.
University Buildings from Capitol dome, Austin, Texas
Looking up Fifth Ave. and Broadway from top of Flat Iron Building, New York City
Wonders of our great metropolis, sky-scrapers and Great Bridge from Brooklyn, New York City
Lower New York, its great skyscrapers representing investments of untold millions, from South Ferry
Herald Square, Sixth Ave. and Broadway, looking north past the McAlpin Hotel, New York City
Above the 3rd Avenue Elevated Railway, looking north in the Bowery, New York City
City Hall, Brooklyn, showing the elevated railroad and the site of the new subway station
[Broadway near Grand St., New York City]
Battery Park and Lower New York from the south showing the Chesebrough, Standard Oil and Washington buildings
Washington Building and Battery Park
Broadway and tower of Singer Building, looking from roof of Post Office, New York, U.S.A.
Golden Gate from Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, U.S.A.
The floating bridge over the Oka, and "the fair" of Nijni-Novgorod, Russia
Naples and Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
The magnificent port and city of Nice, from the castle, France
Overlooking the Thames at 11 o'clock at night, London, England
Peking, the capital of China, looking east from a balcony of the Drum Tower
Overlooking a residential section of Kowloon, China
Niagara. Queenstown Hights [i.e. Queenston Heights], Canada
Queenstown Hights [i.e. Queenston Heights, Canada]
General view of Niagara and vicinity, from the tower of the Mounteagle [i.e. Monteagle] House
General view of Niagara and vicinity, from the tower of the Mounteagle [i.e. Monteagle] House
View of Jerusalem, from the Mount of Olives, Palestine
A Persian camp of pilgrims to Mecca, Jaffa, Palestine
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Iranians,
Tel Aviv,
City & Town Life,
Pack Animals,
Aerial Photographs,
Albumen Prints,
Cityscape Photographs
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
Jerusalem, the City of David, from "New Calvary", Palestine