The Highland Regiment of the British Army marching through Boulogne

A friendly bout among our boys, on transport returning from France

Hospital deck on giant transport Leviathan

Severely wounded being transferred to hospital ship for transport, Hoboken

Wounded soldier about to undergo operation, Hospital No. 5, New York

President Wilson and Brand Whitlock at Nieuport, Belgium

Where the peace treaty was signed, Palace of Versailles, France

A plenary session of the peace conference, in building of French Foreign Office on the Quai D'Orsay, Paris

Guards of the Republic, in palace of Versailles during treaty signing

Decorating with Medaille Militaire Adjutant Dambrine, severely wounded at Ablain St. Nazaire, France

Galerie des Glaces, showing table where peace treaty was signed, Versailles, France

Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George leaving Palace of Versailles after signing peace treaty

Second division men entraining for the return home, Germany

Some of our two million fighters ready for home, Brest, France

Our boys boarding transport for "the good old U.S.A."

Uncle Sam and John Bull again fast friends, Yankee troops in London

Cementing Anglo-French friendship, soldiers of France in London

Victory Day celebration, July 14, 1919, Arch of Triumph, Paris

Battle of the Aisne. Ammunition wagons shifting to new position

France does honor to the gallant sons of Britain, victory parade, Paris

Sons of France on parade, Paris

Gallant legionaires of Czechoslovakia on parade, Prague

Devastated Arras, "Grand Place" section visited by peace conference delegates, France

The Queen of Belgium making stereo photo during Pres. Wilson's visit to Belgium

The president and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Wilson, the King and Queen of Belgium at University of Louvain

French auto Mitrailleuse attached to U.S. Army, Montabaur, Germany

Battle of the Aisne, French infantry, transferring to left wing

Observation balloons near Coblenz, Germany

Salvation Army hut, always at the front with our doughboys, Rhine frontier

Doughnuts for doughboys, Montabaur on the Rhine