"To North and South the great war's memories are priceless heritages of honor" - Prest. Roosevelt, Exposition, Charleston, S.C.
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Roosevelt,
South Carolina,
Public Appearances,
South Carolina Inter-state And West Indian Exposition,
Public Speaking
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
The President, Mrs. Roosevelt and party reviewing the parade before the Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
The President, Mrs. Roosevelt and party reviewing the parade before the Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
The military parade passing in review before President Roosevelt, Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
The military parade passing in review before President Roosevelt, Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
The military parade passing in review before President Roosevelt, Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
The beautiful South Carolina Building, at the Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S.C.
A monument to enterprise, the Inter-State and West Indian Exposition grounds, Charleston, S.C.
Major Jenkins receiving South Carolina's sword from President Roosevelt, Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
President Roosevelt's enthusiastic reception on the exposition grounds, Charleston, S.C.
President Roosevelt's enthusiastic reception on the exposition grounds, Charleston, S.C.
The nation's strength, the student soldier, Va. Polytechnic Inst. cadets passing President Roosevelt in review, Exposition, Charleston, S.C.
Marines passing President Roosevelt's reviewing stand before the auditorium, Exposition, Charleston, S.C.
Governor Aycock welcoming President Roosevelt on behalf of North Carolina, Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Roosevelt,
Public Appearances,
South Carolina,
(Charles Brantley),
South Carolina Inter-state And West Indian Exposition,
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews