U.S. House of Representatives in session, Hon. Joseph Cannon, Speaker of the House

U.S. House of Representatives in session, Hon. Joseph Cannon, Speaker of the House

President Roosevelt, Speaker Cannon and members of the Republication Notification Committee, at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Speaker Cannon formally notifying President Roosevelt of his nomination at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Speaker Cannon formally notifying President Roosevelt of his nomination at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

Speaker Cannon formally notifying President Roosevelt of his nomination at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

President Roosevelt, Speaker Cannon and members of the Republication Notification Committee, at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

President Roosevelt, Speaker Cannon and members of the Republication Notification Committee, at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.Y.

America's most notable gathering of military heroes, left to right, Jacques (Belgium), Diaz (Italy), Coolidge, Foch (France), Pershing, end Beatty (England), at his right

Marshall Joffre, Viviani, Chocheprat and Fabry, French War Commission, with Gov. Lowden and state officials at tomb of Lincoln, Springfield, Ill.