Bunker Hill Monument, Boston, Mass.

Charles Sumner

Publisher: Soule, John P.
Photographer: Rogers, I.L.
Series: Skeleton Leaves
Subjects: Charles Sumner, Skeleton Leaves, Mourning
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Front of Senator Sumner's residence, near the Arlington Hotel

Nelson House, Yorktown, Va., headquarters of General Cornwallis

South Battery Street, A

Church Street and St. Philip's Church

South Battery Street, B.

The Battery, pride of old historic Charleston--cradle of many conflicts, S. Carolina

The two leading college presidents--Eliot of Harvard and Hadley of Yale at Columbia College, N.Y.

St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La.

The colored school, Charleston, S.C., U.S.A.

President Roosevelt, Judge Simonson [i.e., Simonton] and Judge Brawley, chatting on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

President Roosevelt, Mayor Smyth and invited guests on the "Algonquin," Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt's arrival - walking from train through Chicora Park to the steamer "Algonquin," Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt and Governor McSweeney, of South Carolina - on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

The revenue cutter "Algonquin," flying the President's flag - during President Roosevelt's visit to Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C.

The United Nation's [i.e. State's] President, Roosevelt, viewing the famous historic sites - from the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

President Roosevelt acknowledging the salute of the war-ships - on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

"To North and South the great war's memories are priceless heritages of honor" - Prest. Roosevelt, Exposition, Charleston, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little tea pickers, who sang for President Roosevelt - Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

President Roosevelt and Mayor Smyth, arrival at Summerville from Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt and party aboard the "Mayflower," review of war fleet, Oyster Bay, Aug. 17, 1903

President Roosevelt, Judge Simonson [i.e., Simonton] and Judge Brawley, chatting on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

President and Mrs. Roosevelt and guests - noted officers and yachtsmen, at Naval review, off Long Island

The Nation's chief and the head of the Navy Dept., Naval Review, Oyster Bay

Col. Lindbergh acknowledging the nation's welcome, Washington, D.C.