President Roosevelt and hunting party, Dr. Chapman and Mr. Stewart - on the vacation trip to Texas and Colorado, U.S.A.

Pres. Roosevelt, Dr. Chapman & Mr. Stewart of the President's hunting party on the road to Glenwood - coming in from the camp

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P. B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

President Roosevelt and party after nine hours ride through rain and mud, Rocky Mts., Col.

President Roosevelt, Dr. Lambert and P.B. Stewart starting into the bear country - Colorado

The safest guardians of liberty's flag - the public schools - welcoming President McKinley, El Paso, Texas

Grover Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson driving down Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, U.S.A. El Presidente Cleveland y Stevenson paseando en coche en la avenida de Pensilvania, Washington, E.U.A.

Latest model rotary pump on Kaffir Plantation, South Africa

Geisha girls out for an airing in rickshaws - along the Old Avenue, Nara, Japan

Waterport Street, the principal business thoroughfare of Gibraltar

Royal Operahouse, one of the finest buildings in Dresden--S. entrance facing square--Germany

Church Street, facing Henry VII Gateway--oldest street in England, Windsor, England

Pigeon River Fall separating Minnesota from Canada - 65 feet high, 100 ft. wide

The military parade passing in review before President Roosevelt, Exposition Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.