[Old Swedes Church (Gloria Dei Church) and cemetery, Philadelphia, with Reverend Jehu Curtis Clay standing among gravestones]

On the trail to Pike's Peak, from Bear Creek Canon to the summit, 14 miles - U.S. Signal Station, 14336 feet

Monument, or the Enchanted Park, nine miles north-west of Colorado Springs - Dutch wedding

Manitou and vicinity - U.S. Signal Station, summit Pike's P[ea]k

Cheyenne Canon, five miles south of Colorado Springs - 7 falls

Glen Eyrie, located five miles from Colorado Springs - Major Doma

Garden of the Gods, located five miles from Colorado Springs - [...]biter Towers 330 ft. high

Glen Eyrie, located five miles from Colorado Springs - general view from Glen Eyrie

On the trail to Pike's Peak, from Bear Creek Canon to the summit, 14 miles - the bottomless pit

On the trail to Pike's Peak, from Bear Creek Canon to the summit, 14 miles - lake and Halfway House

View from an elevation in front of the Capitol, Nashville, Tenn., looking west over the battle field on the first day of the fight, Dec. 15th, 1864

Confederate soldiers who had evidently been shelled by our batteries on Round Top, at the Battle of Gettysburg

Office Union Pacific Railway Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas (cattle in foreground,) 323 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.

View in Waukerusa Valley, looking east from Mount Oriad, Lawrence, Kansas, 323 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.