This view is looking toward the corners of Main and Clinton Streets, and shows the remains of the only buildings left standing on the one side of Clinton Street; also where stood the ill-fated Hulbert House where so many commercial men lost their lives.

One of the many peculiar instances of a terrible flood. A large tree crushed through and lodged in the upper part of Dr. Zimmerman’s house.

One of the many peculiar instances of a terrible flood. A large tree crushed through and lodged in the upper part of Dr. Zimmerman’s house.

A view of the burning debris at the Stone Bridge from stairway to Prospect Hill.

A view on Washington Street, showing the remains of St. John’s Convent.

A view on Washington Street, showing the remains of St. John’s Convent.

Looking towards the Merchants’ Hotel from the rear, showing B. & O. box car loaded with pig iron, lodged in the debris after being washed two squares from the track.

A common sight on Railroad Street, showing where so many frame buildings were crushed into piles of rubbish by floating logs, &c.

A sad scene in ‘God’s Acre.’ A view of the Sandyville Cemetery up Stony Creek.

A sad scene in ‘God’s Acre.’ A view of the Sandyville Cemetery up Stony Creek.

The famous dog ‘Romey’ that saved the lives of three people, Mrs. Kress, child and domestic.

A sad scene in ‘God’s Acre.’ A view of the Sandyville Cemetery up Stony Creek.

A bird’s-eye view of Johnstown from the hill-top south of the city.

A bird’s-eye view of Johnstown from the hill-top south of the city.

A distant view of Johnstown from the P. R. R. above the city, showing all that remains of the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception.

A distant view of Johnstown from the P. R. R. above the city, showing all that remains of the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception.

A distant view of Johnstown from the P. R. R. above the city, showing all that remains of the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception.

A plain on which once stood the beautiful manufacturing town of Woodvale.

A plain on which once stood the beautiful manufacturing town of Woodvale.

Residence of Captain West, showing debris drifted up on a back street.

Showing the broken dam of the reservoir above South Fork, from where the terrible flood started.