Woodward Hill Cemetery Lanc. Pa.
Pa. Railroad below Lanc. City.
Seven men fishing from rocky edge of pool.
2d. Luth. Church Lancaster Pa.
Presbyterian Church Lancaster.
1st Lutheran Church Lanc. City.
First lock Conestoga River.
City Water Works Lanc. Pa.
Linden Hall Lancaster Co. Litiz [sic].
Litiz [sic] Springs Lanc. Co.
N. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa.
Business corner looking from Penn Square
A view of a dynamite explosion down at the Stone Bridge.
This view was taken after the debris was removed from above the bridge and shows the Cambria Iron Works in the distance.
A scene up Stony Creek. A view of the Sandyville Cemetery.
A view of the ruins above the Stone Bridge.
This is the famous dog ‘Romey’ owned by the Kress family of Johnstown.
Romey,’ hero dog of the great Johnstown Flood.
This is the famous dog ‘Romey’ owned by the Kress family of Johnstown.
This is the famous dog ‘Romey’ owned by the Kress family of Johnstown.
This is the famous dog ‘Romey’ owned by the Kress family of Johnstown.
Horror of horrors! A view of the great Stone Bridge, where thousands of men, women and children were burned, together with horses, cows, railroad trains, houses, stables, and everything the flood could carry.