Partners of Americans in Marne counter-offensive. French Moroccan troops on Villers-Cotterets road

Artillery observers telephoning headquarters from the front, on the Marne

Captured German machine guns on road from Villers-Cotterets to Soissons

Inspecting a nearly completed pontoon bridge in the French sector of the west front

Bringing in 1900 German prisoners captured by American forces, France

One of the notorious U-boats stranded on the south coast of England after surrender

French reserves from U.S.A. Some of the two million fighters at the Battle of the Marne

Maison Blanc, headquarters of the marine brigade, near Belleau Wood

Troop kitchen, 21 ranges each burning cord of wood daily, Brest, France

General De Puydraguen coming out of a trench near Lac Blanc in the Vosges section