Steel-helmeted Scots entrenched and cheerily awaiting a counterattack

British Royal Engineers constructing second line trenches in Flanders

Trenches bitterly contested in battle in once peaceful village near Ypres

"And the trench was a reeking shambles," German dead in the La Bassée area

French mine explosion under enemy trenches

French lines captured from the enemy by the Marine Fusileers

Awaiting enemy in French trenches with rifle and mitrailleuse

"Through sickly shrapnel-sown meadows reaped by death alone"

Airplane view of trenches and shell holes

French soldiers resting in the trenches

In a French trench, sandbag protected, showing dart bombs

Sharpshooters in protected position near enemy lines

"On all sides round a great furnace flamed," German attack, north Compeigne, France

Confederate soldiers killed in the trenches at Petersburg April 2, 1865 [at Fort Mahone].