Ermita, during flood tide, near Manila, Philippine Islands.

Traveling in native ox-carts, Isthmus of Panama

The building of a Filipino house - making the framework for the roof

After a typhoon - wherever the roof lands, there the Filipino makes his home

Mayon and town of Legaspi, Luzon, Philippine Islands

Philippine Islands: A modern Filipino mowing-machine

Philippine Islands: Natives winnowing rice by hand, Pandacan

Philippine Islands: The Harbor of Manila by moonlight

The National Palace and street scene, Managua, Nicaragua, C.A.

Junction of Colorado and San Juan Rivers, Canal Route, Nicaragua, C.A.

On of the numberous canals in Manila, Philppine Islands

Igorrotes planting rice, Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands

Using nature's own tub and washboards on Lake Nicaragua, Granada, C. A.

Water vender [sic] and ox cart on Lake Managua's Strand, Managua, Nicaragua, C. A.

With lookouts and gunners on the battle-scarred fortress, showing broad San Juan, Nicaragua, C. A.

Steamboat landing on beautiful Lake Nicaragua, Granada, Nicaragua, C. A.

Government Railway Station, Granada, Nicaragua, C. A.

A cock-fight, the Sunday afternoon sport of Nicaraguans, Nicaragua, C. A.

An architectural monument to the intrepid and zealous monks of the conquest, Masaya, Nicaragua, C.A.

A motley mass at the Sunday morning market, Manague[sic], Nicaragua, C.A.

The picturesque city market, Masaya, Nicaragua, C. A.

Sleepy Rivas and slumbering volcanoes Ometepe and Medeira, Nicaragua, C. A.