The Pasig River and the famous Bridge of Spain, Manila, Philippines

Manila, Philippine Island: In Santa Cruz Cemetery

A street scene in Ermita, a suburb of Manila, Philippine Islands

Our young Filipinos in holiday attire at the Fourth of July celebration, Manila, P.I. [holding U.S. flags]

A bamboo float - Binondo Canal from Binondo Bridge, Manila, Philippine Islands

The bones of poor tenants imprisoned for non-payment of rent, Manila, Philippine Islands

Manila, Philippine Islands: Landing horses and cattle in the canal

A ploughing scene near Manila, Philippines

Weaving the famous Manila rope, Philippines

Filipino farmers preparing fields for rice, near Manila, Philippines

The wharf below the bridge of Spain, Manila, Philippine Islands

The hope of the Philippines - class of boys in Normal High School, Manila, Philippine Islands

Harvesting rice under palm leaf sun shades - a scene in Benguet, Island of Luzon, Philippines

Wretched inhabitants and principal street of Aguinaldo's abandoned Capital, Malolos, Philippines

In the principal street of Malolos, Philippine Islands

Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands: Rolling down the fields after planting, with heavy wooden roller [pulled by water buffalo]

Helping mamma iron the clothes - A Filipino method

A Filipino "fuel combine" - wood-sellers on their way to market, Luzon, Philippine Islands

Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands: Filipino children at play

Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands: Filipino band - the Luneta on Rizal Day

Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands: Husking cocoanuts. A familiar scene in the great cocoanut country near Pagsanjan

A native turnout in Southern Luzon, Philippines

Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands: Igorrate girls gathering sweet potatoes near Bagino

Igorrate village in Benguet, Island of Luzon, P.I.

Southern Luzon, Philippines: A bamboo band and native homes

Mayon volcano and old Spanish stone bridge form Legaspi, Philippines

Cavite, Philippine Islands: A beach scene

Cavite, Philippine Islands: An avenue in the Navy Yard

Cavite, Philippine Islands: Rampart of Fort Guadeloupe