President Roosevelt and party at the Old Mission of the Franciscan Fathers, Santa Barbara, Cal.

Theodore Roosevelt and his distinguished party, before the "Grizley Giant," big trees of California

Theodore Roosevelt and his distinguished party, before the "Grizley Giant," big trees of California

President Roosevelt telling the members of his party how he shot the boar - Corbin Park, N.H.

"Whether we will or not, we as a nation front a great destiny"--President Roosevelt, South Lawrence, Mass.

"These scenes of Northern and Southern valor should make us all better Americans" - President Roosevelt, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

President Roosevelt and Governor McMillin reviewing troops, on the site of a desperate charge, Chickamauga battlefield, Tenn.

President Roosevelt and Governor McMillin reviewing troops, on the site of a desperate charge, Chickamauga battlefield, Tenn.

Splendid greetings to President Roosevelt by the great crowds at Denison

Enthusiastic welcome to the nation's chief - all of Denison, Texas, greets President Roosevelt

President Roosevelt, Judge Simonson [i.e., Simonton] and Judge Brawley, chatting on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

President Roosevelt, Mayor Smyth and invited guests on the "Algonquin," Charleston, S.C.

The President, Mrs. Roosevelt and other guests of Captain Wagener, Pine Forest Inn, Summerville, S.C.

The President, Mrs. Roosevelt and other guests of Captain Wagener, Pine Forest Inn, Summerville, S.C.

The President, Mrs. Roosevelt and other guests of Captain Wagener, Pine Forest Inn, Summerville, S.C.

President Roosevelt's arrival - walking from train through Chicora Park to the steamer "Algonquin," Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt and Governor McSweeney, of South Carolina - on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

The revenue cutter "Algonquin," flying the President's flag - during President Roosevelt's visit to Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C.

The United Nation's [i.e. State's] President, Roosevelt, viewing the famous historic sites - from the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

President Roosevelt at the World's Fair, St. Louis, U.S.A.

President Roosevelt acknowledging the salute of the war-ships - on the "Algonquin," Charleston Harbor, S.C.

"To North and South the great war's memories are priceless heritages of honor" - Prest. Roosevelt, Exposition, Charleston, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little Negro tea pickers singing pickaninny songs for President Roosevelt, Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

Little tea pickers, who sang for President Roosevelt - Pinehurst Tea Farm, Summerville, S.C.

President Roosevelt and Mayor Smyth, arrival at Summerville from Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt and party on the ruins of the old Spanish fort at Dorchester, near Charleston, S.C.

President Roosevelt and party on the ruins of the old spanish fort at Dorchester, near Charleston, S.C.