A battery of the famous 270 mortars (Howitzers), Mt. St. Eloi

Entrenched Highlanders on the lookout using mirror periscope

French gunners charging huge 270 mm. (Howitzer) in Forest of Argonne

British anti-aircraft gun in action on Balkan front, camouflaged and mounted on auto

Historic first landing of allied troops at Dardanelles

Strong concrete German position and victims after Battle of Menin Road

British soldiers gleaning in the fields of war, Menin Road

Canadian artillery proceeding to the front

The Highland Regiment of the British Army marching through Boulogne

A plenary session of the peace conference, in building of French Foreign Office on the Quai D'Orsay, Paris

Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George leaving Palace of Versailles after signing peace treaty

French auto Mitrailleuse attached to U.S. Army, Montabaur, Germany

Doughnuts for doughboys, Montabaur on the Rhine

American Army of Occupation on the Rhine near Ehrenbreitstein

Tractor-drawn artillery of the 89th Div. before largest hangar in Germany

U.S. Army tractor negotiating the steep declivities of Rhine at Coblenz

Repairing field telephone lines during a gas attack at the front

German battery of 150 mm. guns, captured by American troops near Montfaucon

Grave of Lieut. Quentin Roosevelt, buried by Germans where he fell

German gun guarding the Mole, Zeebrugge

Projectile weighing 1070 lbs., powder 325 lbs. one load for the 12-inch disappearing gun, Fortress Monroe, Va.

Monument in memory of Canadians who fell at Vimy in April, 1917

French reserves watching their comrades going into "The Valley of the Shadow"

Belgian refugees housed in Alexandria [i.e., Alexandra] Palace, London

"Enemy airmen successfully bombed one of our supply trains," official report

A French 155-mm. gun trained on the German trenches

French 75 millimeter guns in ambush near German trenches

Artillerymen who, between the Germans and the mud, are emplacing their guns with difficulty

Famous 8-in. Howitzer in its camouflaged position on the British front

Scouts, old and new, French cavalry and army airplanes