Dr. Leopold Kann, the Arctic explorer, in his winter quarters, Ellesmere Land

"Fort Magnesia" during winter - deeply buried in snow - Cape Sabine (79 deg. N. lat.), Ellesmere Land

"Fort Magnesia" during winter - deeply buried in snow - Cape Sabine (79 deg. N. lat.), Ellesmere Land

Coming out of a snow-covered "igloo" - a winter home in the Artics - Ellesmere Land

Chicago Exposition Views, by Gentile "The A.F. Bellows group" /

The Christian hospital on the shore of Galilee; the sea where Christ healed so many, Tiberias, Palestine

An oriental home with its large upper chamber, near Jaffa, Palestine

A Persian camp of pilgrims to Mecca, Jaffa, Palestine

Calesthenics at Miss Arnot's Mission, Jaffa, Palestine

Beautiful little church of the Syrian Christians, Jerusalem, Palestine

The splendid crusaders' chapel over the tomb of St. George, Lydda, Palestine

Crude makers of beautiful goods; making the famous inlaid pearl work, Damascus, Syria

A sword maker of Damascus, whose swords were once considered the finest in the world, Syria

"There's no place like home!"; dwelling and shop of a Gypsy blacksmith, Syria

The bridegroom riding to the home of the bride, Ramallah, Palestine

Beit Jala, Palestine, the Giloh of the Bible (2 Sam. xv, 12)

The bazaar, Joffa[i.e., Jaffa], Palestine

Travellers on the River Jordan, Palestine

Young girls of Bethlehem, Judea

Jerusalem, the City of David, from "New Calvary", Palestine

Festivities after Ramadan in Moslem cemetery, Jaffa, Palestine

[Unidentified building, possibly a girl's school]

[Large, domed building at the end of a street]

[Unidentified building, possibly a mill]

The village of Siloan [i.e., Siloam] and Valley of Kedron, Palestine

The International Exhibition of 1862 The nave, from eastern dome.

Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1867 Galeries des Beaux-Arts. Section Italienne.

Coliseum - interior

World's Peace Jubilee, 1872 -- Boston Coliseum

[Woman with cart of flowers on cobblestone street, probably in Europe]