Manila, PHilippine Islands: A fair maiden of Manila

Betting on the "cock-fight," Luzon, Philippine Islands

The crude loom in which the Filipino woman weaves the fine hemp fibre into cloth, Philippine Islands

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: cutting down the tree

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Loading a vessel

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Drying the fiber

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Filipino rope factory, hacking the fiber

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Bundles of fiber for local market

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Interior of a native rope factory

Paying the death penalty for crime - garroting a criminal at Bilibid Prison, Manila, P.I.

Manila, Philippine Islands: The Pasig River suspension bridge, from north side

Manila, Philippine Islands: Nozaleda Street, showing House of Eng. Consul on the right

More ornamental in peace than useful in war - inside the Spanish Fort Santiago, Manila, Philippine Islands

Manila, Philippine Islands: Antique defenses - old Fort Santiago, overlooking the Bay

Manila, Philippine Island: The bone pit in Santa Cruz Cemetery

Manila, Philippine Island: The end of Spanish Tyranny. Dismounted cannon

The steel church of San Sebastian, Manila, Philippine Islands

The steel church of San Sebastian, Manila, Philippine Islands

Rizal Day in Manila, Phil. I.

Manila, Philippines: Looking northwest from tower of the Church of Binondo

Manila, Philippines: Looking down the Pasig River, from north end of Bridge of "Spain"

Manila, Philippine Islands: A glimpse of the interior of a home

Scene on the Pasig River, Manila, Philippine Islands

The right way to Filipino freedom - boys in Normal High School, Manila, Philippine Islands

The Escolta, the chief business street of Manila, Philippine Islands

Binondo Church from across Binondo Bridge, Manila, P.I.

A group of boys from the Normal School [posed on steps], Manila, P.I.

Street parade on the Luneta, Rizal Day, Manila, Philippine Islands

Agala Bridge, Manila, Philippine Islands

Native carriages, Manila, Philippine Islands