The magnificent port and city of Nice, from the castle, France

Church Street, facing Henry VII Gateway--oldest street in England, Windsor, England

Panorama of Philæ as inundated by the great dam at Assouan [i.e., Aswan], Egypt

Looking down (N.E.) upon the island of Philæ and its temples from the island of Bigeh, Egypt

Peking, the capital of China, looking east from a balcony of the Drum Tower

Overlooking a residential section of Kowloon, China

Holiday at the time of the Dragon Festival, view of the river Min, Foochow, China

View of a city built on a dozen hills, from Mt. Castello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Avenida Rio Branco from Hotel Avenida on a holiday, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Col. Lindbergh acknowledging the nation's welcome, Washington, D.C.

[George B. Cortelyou, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left]