South African Light Horse, coming down Adderly St., to entrain for the front, Cape Town

President Harding feeds "Max" the bear in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.

[Marker by fence reading "Here fell Henry C. Merwin, Lt. Col., 27th Conn. vols.," Gettysburg, Pa.]

Battle-field of Gettysburg Trees showing the effect of musketry, opposite the Federal breast-works on Culp's Hill.

Battle-field of Gettysburg The effect of musketry and shell on the trees of Culp's Hill, on ground occupied by Rebels, in front of Union breast-works.

Kalambaka, Grecian frontier, from which the first insurgents crossed into Turkey

Armed monks gathering wood for the Meteora monasteries during the Turkish invasion

Irregulars on the frontier--awaiting an attack--Graeco-Turkish War

Skirmishing near the "monasteries in the air," northern Greece

Provisioning an immense army - British transport wagons in France

[Soldier of the "Bois d'Avocourt" sector, 79th Division, dangling from a tree limb, from the blast of a shell explosion]

"All their weary marches done, all their battles fought and won." American dead in the Meuse-Argonne

The Hanging man of the "Bois d'Avocourt" sector of the 79th Division

Americans escorting German prisoners to the rear, Meuse-Argonne

The church at Guadalupe - destroyed by fire - the scene of hard fighting, Philippine Islands

The church at Pasig, showing barricaded tower windows and stone wall defences, Philippines