Washington monument, in the Capitol grounds, Richmond, Va. The statues around the centre base are those of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson & Mason

Hon. H. St. G. Tucker, president of the Jamestown Exposition, delivering his address of welcome

The President and Mrs. Roosevelt and a distinguished multitude hearing opening address of Harry St. George Tucker, Jamestown Exposition, April 26, 1907

Fox Oak, Flushing , the tree under which Fox, the Quaker, preached in 1672

Taken on battlefield of Antietam Oct. 18 [...] 1.Geo. H. Bangs, 2. Wm. B. Moore, Private Secy of [...] 3. Allan Pinkerton, 4. John C. Babcock, 5. A. K. Littlefield

The splendid crusaders' chapel over the tomb of St. George, Lydda, Palestine

Church of St. George at Lydda , the "Lod" of the Bible, Palestine

A tribute of flowers to New York's gallant governor, Theodore Roosevelt, Dewey Celebration, New York

Gov. Roosevelt, Col. of the famous "Rough Riders" in Dewey Parade, N. Y.

Governor Roosevelt leading the New York troops, Dewey Celebration, New York

The U.S. Capitol & Greenoughs Statue of Washington

Publisher: Bell & Bro.
Photographer: Bell & Bro. (Washington, D.C.)
Subjects: U.S. Capitol, George Washington, Statue
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Washington Statue

Publisher: Ropes, H. & Co.
Series: Washington D.C. and Vicinity
No.: 8
Subjects: George Washington, Washington D.C., Monuments, Statue
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)