Manila, PHilippine Islands: A fair maiden of Manila

Betting on the "cock-fight," Luzon, Philippine Islands

The crude loom in which the Filipino woman weaves the fine hemp fibre into cloth, Philippine Islands

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: cutting down the tree

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Loading a vessel

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Drying the fiber

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Filipino rope factory, hacking the fiber

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Bundles of fiber for local market

Manila hemp industry, Philippines: Interior of a native rope factory

Paying the death penalty for crime - garroting a criminal at Bilibid Prison, Manila, P.I.

Manila, Philippine Islands: The Pasig River suspension bridge, from north side

Manila, Philippine Islands: Nozaleda Street, showing House of Eng. Consul on the right

More ornamental in peace than useful in war - inside the Spanish Fort Santiago, Manila, Philippine Islands

Manila, Philippine Islands: Antique defenses - old Fort Santiago, overlooking the Bay

Manila, Philippine Island: The bone pit in Santa Cruz Cemetery

Manila, Philippine Island: The end of Spanish Tyranny. Dismounted cannon

The steel church of San Sebastian, Manila, Philippine Islands

The steel church of San Sebastian, Manila, Philippine Islands

Manila, Philippines: Looking northwest from tower of the Church of Binondo

Manila, Philippines: Looking down the Pasig River, from north end of Bridge of "Spain"

Manila, Philippine Islands: A glimpse of the interior of a home

Scene on the Pasig River, Manila, Philippine Islands

The right way to Filipino freedom - boys in Normal High School, Manila, Philippine Islands

The Escolta, the chief business street of Manila, Philippine Islands

Binondo Church from across Binondo Bridge, Manila, P.I.

A group of boys from the Normal School [posed on steps], Manila, P.I.

Street parade on the Luneta, Rizal Day, Manila, Philippine Islands

Native carriages, Manila, Philippine Islands