Roche, T.C.

From inside the summer house north of the arsenal

[Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches of Fort Mahone, Petersburg, Virginia]

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches

A rebel soldier, killed in the trenches before Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg) [...]

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers, "Fort Damnation" [...]

This view was taken in the rebel trenches, the morning after the storming of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., April 2d, 1865 [...]

Rebel soldier, killed in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation"

C.S. soldier killed in the trenches at the storming of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va., April. The marks and spots on his face are blood issuing from his mouth and nose. The wound is in the head, caused by a fragment of shell

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of "Fort Hell"

C.S. soldier killed by a shell in the trenches of "Fort Hell" (i.e. "Fort Damnation")

A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of "Fort Hell"

Dead rebel artillery soldier, Petersburg, Va. April 2, 1865

Nevada Falls, 700 feet high

War views -- Army of the Potomac -- the way they cook dinner in camp

Auger holes through the Original Big Tree showing means by which it was felled