Philp & Solomons

View of Confederate gunboat Drury, blown up and sunk (by the 1st Conn. Art.) in the James River.

View of Butler's Dutch Gap Canal.

View in front of Fort Drury, looking across the ravine, fort on the left, river on the right.

View from Drury's Bluff looking down the river (James), Chapin's Bluff below the second bend of the river, obstructions near the centre of the picture.

Shipping, as seen through the foliage from the top of Drury's Bluff.

View, from near Howlett's, of Dutch Gap Peninsula, showing James River on each side of the neck of land.

Ruins of bridge at Mrs. Nelson's, crossing on the Pamunky, 28th May, 1864.

Pontoon bridges, North Anna, constructed by the 50th N.Y.V. engineers, below railroad bridge, where a portion of the 2nd Corps, under Gen. Hancock crossed May 23rd, 1864.

View of log bridge at Quarles' Mill, North Anna, where a portion of the 5th Corps under Gen. Warren had to cross and carry the enemy's line of works on the crest of the hill.

Chesterfield Bridge on North Anna, Va., with rebel redoubt in the distance, carried by the 2nd Corps under Gen. Hancock, 23rd May, 1864.

Encampment of 7,000 rebel prisoners in the Punch Bowl, Belle Plain, Va., May 15, 1864.

Ruins of bridge at Germania Ford, where the troops crossed at under Gen'l Grant, May 4, 1864.