Steam shovel at work.
View of railroad construction from hill.
Jenks & Rice's hotel--from R. R. tracks.
Jenks & Rice's hotel--from R. R. tracks.
Views of a covered bridge over the Deerfield River.
Jenks & Rice's hotel--across the Deerfield.
Miners descending the west shaft.
Near view of central shaft building, eng'rs at work.
Hawkins' well--no. 4.
Hawkins' well--no. 4.
Compressor building and dump.
Machine shop.
Blacksmith shop, &c., east end.
East end--miners going in.
East end--miners going in.
East end--near view.
West entrance of arch looking out.
West entrance of arch.
West entrance of arch.
View from Rock Arbor--looking down str.
West portal--showing archway.
West portal--entrance.
West portal--entrance.
Fearful bridge.