View down a country road, house visible through foliage.
Children standing on a log bridge over a ditch.
Ballard's Hotel, Richmond.
Ruins of carbine factory and paper mill, 8th St., Richmond, 6 April, 1865.
Haxall's rolling mill, Belle Isle, Richmond.
Aquia Creek Landing, February, 1863.
Camp of Gen'l M'Dowell's body guard, July 5, 1862.
Pontoon bridge across the Potomac at Berlin.
Antietam Bridge. Eastern view.
Burnside Bridge, from the south-east.
Ruins at Manassas, Jackson's raid, July, 1862.
Pic-nic party at Antietam Bridge, 22nd Sept., 1862.
View on battle field of Antietam near Sherrick's house, where the 79th New York Volunteers fought after they crossed the creek. Group of dead Confederates.
A lone grave on battle-field of Antietam.
Confederate soldiers as they fell at the Battle of Antietam.
The dead in a ditch at Antietam.
Gathered together for burial, after the Battle of Antietam.
He sleeps his last sleep. A Conferederate soldier who after being wounded evidently dragged himself to a little ravine on the hill side, where he died.
Hotel at Warrenton Springs, Va. Street view south.
Hotel at Warrenton Springs, Va. Street view south.
View of Culpepper.
Erecting bridge across north fork of Rappahannock, near Sulphur Springs, Va.
Confederate hospital at Cedar Mountain.
100 lb. gun on board the confederate gunboat Teazer, which was captured on the 4th of July, by the Meritanza.
Frame house on Fair Oaks battlefield, used as a hospital by Hooker's division.
Old frame house on Fair Oaks battlefield, pierced by hundreds of bullets, and used as a hospital by Hooker's division.
Fort Sumner, near Susan Clark's house, Fair Oaks.
Magruder Battery at Yorktown.
View of Gloucester and Yorktown.
Slaughter Pen on left wing at Battle of Gettysburg.