Cooley, Samuel A.

Sam. A. Cooley, photographer Tenth Army Corps

Ordnance ya[rd], Morris Island, near Charleston, S.C.

Mortar Battery, Morris Island, S.C.

View of Fort McAlister (i.e. McAllister), Ga., looking up the Ogechee (i.e. Ogeechee) River

Gen. Sherman's head quarters, Savannah, Ga.

Entrance to the Castle St. Marcus, St. Augustine, Florida

Interior of Castle St. Marcus, St. Augustine, Florida

A big gun on Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, S.C.

Beaufort Library, S.C.

View on Walker's Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

View on the Habersham Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

View on Bay St., Beaufort, S.C.

Ruins of the Old Spanish Fort, Smith's plantation, Port Royal Island, near Port Royal S.C.

Two views. The Rebel signal station on Morris Inland, afterwards occupied by our troops. A number of shot and shell have passed through the roof. The Rebels used this as a beacon to signal in blockade runners

Section of a light battery in Jacksonville, Florida

[Tent scene, Beaufort, S.C.]

Turret of Pasaic (i.e. Passaic) monitor, Charleston Harbor, S.C.

Turret of monitor Pasaic (i.e. Passaic)

[View of tents located inside of a fort, possibly on Morris Island, South Carolina]

Sanderson's house, used as headquarters by Gen. Seymour, Jacksonville, Florida

Ruins of the Old Spanish Fort, Smith's plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

Beakon (i.e. Beacon) House, Morris Island, S.C.

Myrtle bush Plant[atio]n, Port Royal Is[land], S.C.

Mortar battery, Morris Island, S.C.

Morris Island

Mortar gun the Federal forces of Sherman's Army found, Ft. McAllister, Ga.

Big gun on Morris Island, South Carolina

Mortar guns, Morris Island (Ft. Gregg)

Interior of Masonic Hall, Folly Island, S C.

Interior view of Fort Gregg [i.e. Fort Putnam],