Man on stump fishing at Lake Averic.
Monument Mt. from Stockbridge.
Monument Mountain from north summit, Stockbridge Bowl in the distance.
General view of Stockbridge.
Stockbridge Bowl, farm land and fences in foreground.
Farm land and fences in foreground.
Boat landing on the Housatonic.
Boat landing on the Housatonic.
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus H. Rogers in their parlor on the 2nd floor of the "Berkshire Courier" building, furniture, light fixtures, layout of rooms visible.
View of a group of men in front of a store, one holding a hose.
View of a woman looking into the distance with binoculars above Glendale, showing a bridge, a mill, and homes below.
Pulpit rock.
Lovers leap.
Old man of the mountain.
Man in a wagon on a commercial street in Great Barrington.
View of large house with people and wagons in front.
Main street, Sheffield, from the south.
Main street, Sheffield, from the south.
Old elm, Sheffield, Mass.
Studio portrait of 3 dogs and a birdcage.
Studio portrait of a dog.
Studio portrait of a man lying next to 3 dogs.
Studio portrait of 3 dogs.
Studio portrait of a dog.
Studio view showing a dogs with a bird in a cage.