Campbell, Alfred S.

Street View, Cairo Egypt

Photographer: Campbell, Alfred S.
No.: 1250
Collection: User Contributed (David van Etten)

Peace Monument, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Capitol. Washington, D.C.

P.O. case bl'd'g & city hall, Cleveland, O.

Cathedral residence & school, Cleveland, O.

Central viaduct, Cleveland, O.

Superior St. viaduct, E. Cleveland, O.

Scene of disaster, 1896, Cleveland, O.

Police headq't'rs Cleveland, O.

Haymarket, Cleveland, O.

Lake View cemetery Cleveland, O.

Woodlawn, Saratoga.

Woodlawn, Saratoga.

Race Track, Saratoga.

Race Track, Saratoga.

On the ice bridge, Niagara, 1896.

Riding horse over ice bridge, 1896.

Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara.

Horse Shoe Falls, Niagara.

Manhattan Life Building, New York.

Brooklyn Bridge from East River.

South and Staten Island Ferry, New York.

Tomb of Gen. Grant, Riverside Drive, N.Y.

Statue Garibaldi, Washington Square, N.Y.

Manhattan Bridge from High Bridge Tower, N.Y.

40 Fifth Avenue, New York, North of 34th Street.

View Hudson River, from West Point.

Liner St. Paul on shore, Long Branch, N.J. Jan. 1896.

Oyster sloops on Chesapeake Bay.

The Tripoli Monument, Annapolis, Md.