Bundy, J.K. (Joseph K.) (b. 1812)

Cranes at Fernhurst.

Portrait of a child.

Portrait of a child.

Portrait of a woman.

Portrait of a man.

West Rock and vicinity.

Hillhouse Avenue.

Savin Rock.

Fair Haven and Westville Railroad Depot.

View from Depot Tower, south.

Chapel St.

Church surrounded by trees.

Yale College?

The Promenade, New Haven Green.

Yale College, looking south.

N.H. Green, Elm & Church Sts.

New Haven Green, the "Center Church."

N.H. Green, North Center Church.

Divinity and Marquand.

Divinity and Marquand.

New Scientific, [Yale College].

Old Scientific, [Yale College].

Old State House.

Temple St.

New Haven.

New Haven.

Union Street, Middletown, Conn.