Brady, Mathew B. (1823 (ca.)-1896)

Execution of a deserter, Alexandria, Va.

Gen. W. T. Sherman and staff....

Maj. Gen. Sherman and staff....

Swamp Angel," Morris Island, S. C..

300 pound Parrot gun, in Ft. Chatfield, Morris Island, S. C..

North-east angle of Ft. Marshall, Sullivan Island, Charleston Harbor, S. C.

Interior view of Ft. Putnam, Charleston Harbor, S. C..

Interior view of Ft. Putnam, Charleston Harbor, S. C..

Interior of Fort Sumpter [sic], Charleston Harbor, S. C., looking south.

Captain Barrett and Lieut. Schoonmaker, of Monitor Kaatskill, at "Battery Bee," Sullivan's Island, Charleston Harbor, S. C..

Admiral Dahlgren and staff, U. S. S. Pawnee, Charleston Harbor, S. C.

After deck and turret of Monitor Kaatskill. Taken at Charleston Harbor, S. [C.].

The private box at Ford's Theatre, the place where Lincoln was assassinated.

Sherman's Grand Army. Looking up Pennsylvania Avenue from the Treasury buildings. Maj. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis and staff and 9th Army Corps passing in review.

Sherman's Grand Army. Looking up Pennsylvania Avenue from the Treasury buildings. Maj. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis and staff and 19th Army Corps passing in review.

Col. Ord, at the mansion formerly occupied by Jeff. Davis, Richmond, Va....

Mansion occupied by Jeff. Davis, during the rebellion, cor. Clay and Twelfth St. Richmond, Va.

Mansion occupied by Jeff. Davis, during the rebellion, cor. Clay and Twelfth St. Richmond, Va.

Head quarters of the Christian Commission, Richmond, Va.

Libby Prison, Richmond, Va.

Castle Thunder," Cary St., the place where so many Union prisoners suffered. Richmond, Va.

Ruins of the Petersburgh Railroad Bridge, Richmond, Va.

The Capitol, Richmond,Va.

Interior of the Rebel Fort Darling, James River, Richmond, Va. showing magazines, bomb-proofs, and shot and shell.

Obstructions in the James River, opposite the Rebel Fort Darling, near Richmond, Va.

Masked battery and obstructions in the James River, Fort Darling, near Richmond, Va.

Masked battery and obstructions in the James River. Fort Darling.

Interior of the Rebel Fort Darling, James River, near Richmond, Va.

Church built by the engineers at Poplar Grove, near Petersburgh, Va.

Gen. Ferrero and staff, Petersburgh, Va.