At the Rancherio, Mendocino County, California.

Cassiano Indian at San Antonio Mission, 136 years old.

Paiute squaw - Yo Semite Valley.

Paiute squaw - Yo Semite Valley.

Digger Indians, at Ten Mile River. - Mendocino Co.

Digger Indians, at Ten Mile River. - Mendocino Co.

Yo Semite Valley Digger Indians, Cal.

Indian Squalls, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Indian squalls, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Warm Spring Indian Scouts in camp.

Donald McKy [McKay], the celebrated Warm Spring Indian Scout and his chief men.

Tule Lake Camp, South; Tule Lake in the distance.

Bath House in the Yosemite.

An Octogenarian.

Paiute Chief's Lodge.

Washoe Indians - The Chief's Family. [no. 604].

Washoe Indians - Valley of Lake Tahoe.

Washoe Indians - Valley of Lake Tahoe. [no. 602].

Digger Indian Camp, Knight's Ferry, Stanislaus County. [no. 599].

Digger Indian squaw. Yosemite, Calif.[no. 597].

Mono Lake, California. [no. 969].

Digger Indian Huts. [no. 1221].

Digger Indian Huts, Cal. [no. 1221]

Rancherie, Big River.

A bee keeper's home in California.

The large oaks of California.

A forest scene in California.

Hot house scene in California.

Hot house scene in California.

Hot house scene in California.